Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Hi everyone!

I hope you are all doing well.

I'm really delighted and excited to have been working with Deptford Lounge, The Albany and Rubbish Artist to produce a winter wonder installation for the windows of Deptford Lounge.

Working together as Trash Twins, and following on from our 2019 commission for Camberwell Library's Trash Tree, we've created an arctic art installation for the windows of Deptford Lounge out of the rubbish and recycling that was donated by library visitors and local businesses.

The launch is this evening, with a kid friendly art workshop from 4-5pm and a meet the artists launch from 5-8pm. Come and enjoy a gluten free and vegan mince pie, make a penguin out of rubbish and ask us some questions about the art! If you can't come tonight the installation will adorn the windows until January 4th 2025.

I have 3 lovely events happening on Saturday. I'll be selling a few fine art bits at both the Art Hub and All Saints Xmas fairs. Art hub from 11am - 5pm and All Saints from 12 - 4pm. The latter will have a bouncy castle and a drawing table! Come along and enjoy the fun!


Later that evening you can find me at Corner New Cross, 117 New Cross Road, delivering my life drawing session in the basement from 7-10pm, with model Rita. Tickets available via Eventbrite at the link below, or pay cash on the day.

I hope to see you someday soon.

With love and best wishes - Jo

Monday, 11 November 2024

 Hi everyone!

Tomorrow sees the start of the next 10 week run for my Exploring Creativity online classes. 

By popular vote I've changed the start time to 9.30am, so class will finish a bit earlier, in time for lunch! The classes run every Tuesday from 9.30am - 12.30pm and are a mixture of art history lecture style presentation and live demonstration with practical art making. I'm super excited about this new timetable with lots of really interesting artists! The cost is pay what you can, £5 minimum and £40 maximum per class, or anything in between, whatever you'd like to pay! You can also pop in and out, just attend one class or all of them. it's up to you!

There are a couple more life drawing classes at Corner as well, portrait drawing on Tuesdays 5 - 7pm on November 19th and 26th and only 1 Saturday left! 7th December nude variety poses 7 - 10pm.

To find out more and book have a look at Eventbrite:

Location: 117 New Cross Road, London, SE14 5DJ


Tuesday (also on zoom):

The exhibition I co curated at Corner New Cross "Sublimation" came to an end last month. If you missed it you can hear all about it by visiting Resonance FM at the link below:

I was also interviewed for the Art by Artists you tube channel, and there's some footage of my Cake Smash live art interaction from Sublimation in that video. You can watch it by clicking on this link:

In other news I have a small sculpture in the Southwark Park Open, along with some other artist colleagues and friends, Janet Barfield, Caz Underwood, Peter Mollett and Dick Graham. I hope to be around for the closing party! Winter Gathering: Saturday 14 December 1 – 4pm
As is tradition, we mark the close of this year’s Annual Open and the winner announcement with mulled wine and carols in the garden.

Here's more information about the exhibition:

Sat - Weds 11am - 4pm until 14 Dec

Southwark Park Galleries 
Lake Gallery
1 Park Approach
Southwark Park 
SE16 2UA

There's more information on the website here too:

Wednesday, 26 June 2024


Hi everyone!

I'm still in recovery after my surgery, and things are hotting up for me in July, in synch the weather!

First up, I'm running some new life drawing adventures at Corner New Cross, London SE14 5DJ, on Saturdays for nude variety poses, and on Tuesdays for clothed long poses. 

The first session is on Saturday July 6th from 7 - 10pm. You can find out more by following this link:

This one will be very lively with an open bar throughout, and optional social discussion/feedback afterwards.

If you prefer your models clothed and a quieter afternoon session with long poses, you can join me on Tuesday July 9th, from 5-7pm for the first of a series of hybrid classes, run live in the room while also live steamed on zoom. The cafe/bar will be closed for this one. 

Ticket links and details can be found here:

We'll have the amazing Alice modelling for us on July 9th, drawn here by me a couple of weeks ago:

Then on July 13th from 11am - 3pm I'm running an art drop in workshop and Open Studio at my new wonderful art space at All Saints Hatcham Community Centre. It's part art of their summer fete and there will be family fun with a bouncy castle, a BBQ, art and wellbeing stalls and lots more!

Last but by no means least, I'm very excited that my work will be exhibited as part of Salon Noir's first ever group show!

The first art exhibition of Salon Noir Artists the 'Salon Summer Show', runs from 24th - 27th July at 54 The Gallery, 54 Shepherd Market, W1J 7QX.

Private View on Thursday 25th July 6-9pm, featuring live costumed performances and folklore storytelling by Rachel Marquissa Darq. No booking required ðŸ¥‚

ARTISTS - Roy Amiss, Vanya Balogh, Anita Bryan, Siro Carraro, Rachel Marquissa Darq, Elsa Dax, Spizz, Edori Fertig, Mandee Gage, Dick Graham, Yuliya Guban, Cate Lis, Nick Malone, Kate Mayer, Colin McCallum, Jo McCormick, Gary Myatt, Emma Pugmire, Ronis Varlaam, Diane Wallace, Annie Zamero.

I hope you can join me, and I very much look forward to seeing you!

Thursday, 14 March 2024


This Saturday March 16th, for one day only, from 4.30pm til late, my giant mushroom sculptures will be making a very rare appearance for Pri's Art Salon at AMP Studios on the Old Kent Road SE15 1NL. 

The event includes an art exhibition, workshops, live music and performances, a bar and a life drawing session!

Tickets start at £6 and are available through Eventbrite at the link below, or you can pay more on the door:

My giant mushrooms will be displayed as part of the life drawing activity at Pri's Salon.

They were first made in 2002, as a project for Mole Valley District Council and The National Trust. The Mushroom Sound Sculptures were displayed in Polesden Lacey Old Stables in October 2002. 

I was awarded a grant from Arts Council England for the project. The installation was based around reminiscences collected from the people of Mole Valley, including a retired dairy farmer, a storytelling group "The Moles" and a botanist. 

The sculptures that I made were wired for sound, and each one told a story based on the memories that I collected. Since that time the work has evolved and changed, to include painted decorations on the plinths inspired by the wonders of nature. 

Over the years the sculptures have lost their voice, but they remain intriguing and curious celebrations of the natural world.

There are some pictures of them here:

I hope to see you there!

PRI’S ART SALON PRESENTS: S. O. S. - CREATIVITY IN THE FACE OF CLIMATE EMERGENCY SATURDAY MARCH 16th, 2024. Priscila Goncalves of Pri’s Art Salon announces the opening of a new art exhibition, co-curated alongside artists Eli Delbaere and with contributions from Miranda Smart, Abi Waud and Bethan Carrick. Documenting the artistic response to the urgent climate crisis across photography, painting, sculpture and textile work, a group of emerging and established artists will feature carefully selected, thought-provoking works.

In other news I'm very happy to have found a new art studio space at my local community centre in New Cross Gate! 

I'm very sad to be losing the studio that I had for 2 years in an old sofa warehouse on The Old Kent road with Arebyte. The developers moved in and are demolishing the building at the end of April. 

However, I was super lucky to find a new space so quickly, and I absolutely love it! If you'd like to arrange a studio visit please don't hesitate to contact me. I will likely be there a lot during the days of recovery after my surgery that's happening on Tuesday next week. 

Here are some photos:

And in case you missed it, here are some photos from last week's life drawing Sunday special that I devised for Corner New Cross. It was lots of fun and I realised how much I've missed running these kind of events, untutored and relaxed, with the poses set to music. There will be more...

Monday, 8 January 2024

 Hey everyone!

I'm delighted to have been invited to co curate a summer show for Salon Noir! More details coming soon. Meanwhile, here is an invitation to the next Salon Noir event that's happening next month. It looks to be a very interesting one indeed. I really look forward to seeing you there! Please register your seat asap because these salons prove to be very popular  - it's free, but booking is essential. With very best wishes - Joanna

Hi All

Save The Date! We are delighted that our next guest speaker will be Gavin Turk, on Thursday 15th February at 7.00 for 7.30pm start, and at our new venue, Vout-O-Reenee private members' club (nearest tube Aldgate or Tower Hill). Below is some more info about our well known speaker, whose topic will be 'The Use Of Rubbish in Art'.

Entrance is by registering on our guest list here which will be held at the door as capacity is limited. The talk will be followed by drinks at the venue's cash bar 8.30pm until midnight. We regret no dogs are permitted at this event.
Gavin Turk's  work has been collected by many, including Charles Saatchi, who exhibited Turk's artwork at the 'Sensations' exhibition at the Royal Academy in 1997. Gavin was also considered to be one of the Young British Artists. Turk's 3D works include objects cast into bronze and then painted to appear as the original object. These include bronze sculptures of plastic rubbish bags, entitled 'Bag', (2000) and for which he was awarded the Jack Goldhill sculpture prize.

We look forward to seeing you there and meanwhile you can follow us at or

Best wishes

Annie Zamero
Founder Member of The Magma Group and Salon Noir, Member Art Society Soho, Founder Member of The Stuckists
Salon Noir is a French style Art Salon for artists and art enthusiasts to meet our guest speakers

Monday, 1 January 2024

 Dear everyone,

I hope you had a happy hearty Xmas and a super New Year celebration! It's been a roller coaster of a year for me, with a very mixed bag of amazing projects including live art performances and art walks, curating exhibitions, starting a new job with Punchdrunk, setting up a Community Interest Company - Collaborative Arts CIC, welcoming a new cat Soup into my home and more! PHEW!

I'm really looking forward to developing some exciting artistic projects for 2024 while I continue to help the students in my classes to tap into their creativity and hone and develop their skills. I'm very proud of everyone who attends my classes, and I thoroughly enjoy working with you all, thank you! Thank you also to everyone who's attended exhibitions and/or purchased artwork from me. It means a lot to me and I'm super grateful for all your support!

Here are details of my courses for the spring term at Adult Learning Lewisham that still have places available on them. All of these classes take place in person at The Brockley Rise Centre in London SE23 IPR. I hope to see some of you there!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

1. LIFE DRAWING! Saturday Jan. 13th 10am - 3.30pm 

If you'd like to try it out or develop your life drawing skills there are places available on my Life Drawing All Day Saturday course in person at Brockley Rise on Saturday January 13th, running from 10am  - 3.30pm. Beginners and returners are very welcome! It's a great opportunity to really focus on rendering the human figure using a variety of techniques and art materials, experiment and try out a variety of techniques, with a very long pose in the afternoon to hone your skills or try something new! To book a place please follow the link below:

2. SUPER ART SATURDAY! Saturday Jan. 27th 10am - 3.30pm

Super Art Saturday one day courses run once a month at the Brockley Rise Centre, and give you an opportunity to have fun, unleash your creativity and explore a particular subject in depth. My first SAS of the year will be Watercolour VS Gouache VS Pastel, and on this one day course you'll find out different methods for using these mediums both on their own and in combination with one another. To find out more and book a place please follow this link:

3. Places are still available on one or two of my 10 week courses for Adult Learning Lewisham, book soon to avoid disappointment!

STILL LIFE  - Wednesdays from 5 - 7pm 

In person at The Brockley Rise Centre. In week one we'll kick off with some fun and interesting drawing exercises to develop freedom of expression and loosen up, followed by learning traditional drawing techniques for measuring and proportion, mark making and creating depth and tonal value. In week 2 we'll delve into the history of the Still Life genre and explore its development from Roman times and even cave paintings up to the present day. We'll examine the rules of composition and create a composition together and explore methods for working quickly and blocking in. In weeks 3 and 4 we'll try out different mediums for drawing and painting, inspired by historical and contemporary still life artists. After half term and with my help and guidance you'll have the opportunity to explore your own ideas, create a still life arrangement of your own and work in whatever medium you choose. You can work on the same composition across the 5 weeks, or try out different things each week. I'll be on hand to offer you my expert advice and guidance throughout. For more information and to book a place please follow this link: 


For the first 5 weeks of this class I offer a subject to explore in depth at the beginning of each week that you are invited to explore with me if you want to, but if not you can explore your own personal project. After half term everyone is invited to develop ideas in a personal project with guidance and advice from me. The optional subjects for the first five weeks of this term will be artist Mary Delaney and botanical collage, artist Bonnard and still life, life drawing with a nude model, impressionism and printmaking techniques that you can achieve without using a press. For more information and to book please click on this link:

WATERCOLOUR MADE EASY Fridays 1 - 3.30pm

We'll spend the first 5 weeks exploring a range of techniques, starting with experiments in week 1 using washes, wet into wet, wet on dry and watercolour pencils. In week 2 we'll explore working wet into wet and all at once to describe a still life arrangement, taking inspiration from artists Mondrian and Lucy Duke. In week 3 we'll have some fun mixing watercolour and monoprinting techniques with collage and chine colle. In week 4 we'll discover how to create a landscape using pen and ink with watercolour and learn all about the different kinds of watercolour paper and how to choose the right one to use for different projects. In week 5 we'll try out watercolour in combination with mixed media - pastel, gouache and acrylic paint. After half term you'll be free to explore your own personal project, with my help and guidance, focussing on one or using several or even all of the techniques that you'll have discovered in the first half of the course. To find out more and book a place please click on the link below:

I look forward to seeing you! With love and best wishes - Joanna